Bloated 테이블을 조회하는 쿼리

6 분 소요

코로나 이슈로 트래픽이 급증한 K사의 데이터베이스 구조를 OLTP와 OLAP으로 명확히 구분하여 나누는 작업을 진행하는 과정에서 모처럼 얻은 다운타임 시간 동안 vacuum full을 수행할 일이 있었다. 그룹사 지원 차원에서 온 K사의 ICT 계열사 소속 엔지니어와 함께 진행을 해나갔는데 이 엔지니어가 오픈소스 DB팀에서는 vacuum full를 돌리기 전에 current_size와 actual_size의 현황을 조사한다면서 어떤 SQL 스크립트를 실행하는 것이었다. 그 모습을 보면서 예전에 citus data 블로그에서 읽은 Monitoring your bloat in Postgres라는 글이 생각나서 이번 기회에 정리해두려고 한다.

WITH constants AS (
    -- define some constants for sizes of things
    -- for reference down the query and easy maintenance
    SELECT current_setting('block_size')::numeric AS bs, 23 AS hdr, 8 AS ma
no_stats AS (
    -- screen out table who have attributes
    -- which dont have stats, such as JSON
    SELECT table_schema, table_name, 
        n_live_tup::numeric as est_rows,
        pg_table_size(relid)::numeric as table_size
    FROM information_schema.columns
        JOIN pg_stat_user_tables as psut
           ON table_schema = psut.schemaname
           AND table_name = psut.relname
        LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_stats
        ON table_schema = pg_stats.schemaname
            AND table_name = pg_stats.tablename
            AND column_name = attname 
    WHERE attname IS NULL
        AND table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
    GROUP BY table_schema, table_name, relid, n_live_tup
null_headers AS (
    -- calculate null header sizes
    -- omitting tables which dont have complete stats
    -- and attributes which aren't visible
        hdr+1+(sum(case when null_frac <> 0 THEN 1 else 0 END)/8) as nullhdr,
        SUM((1-null_frac)*avg_width) as datawidth,
        MAX(null_frac) as maxfracsum,
        hdr, ma, bs
    FROM pg_stats CROSS JOIN constants
        LEFT OUTER JOIN no_stats
            ON schemaname = no_stats.table_schema
            AND tablename = no_stats.table_name
    WHERE schemaname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
        AND no_stats.table_name IS NULL
            FROM information_schema.columns
                WHERE schemaname = columns.table_schema
                    AND tablename = columns.table_name )
    GROUP BY schemaname, tablename, hdr, ma, bs
data_headers AS (
    -- estimate header and row size
        ma, bs, hdr, schemaname, tablename,
        (datawidth+(hdr+ma-(case when hdr%ma=0 THEN ma ELSE hdr%ma END)))::numeric AS datahdr,
        (maxfracsum*(nullhdr+ma-(case when nullhdr%ma=0 THEN ma ELSE nullhdr%ma END))) AS nullhdr2
    FROM null_headers
table_estimates AS (
    -- make estimates of how large the table should be
    -- based on row and page size
    SELECT schemaname, tablename, bs,
        reltuples::numeric as est_rows, relpages * bs as table_bytes,
            (datahdr + nullhdr2 + 4 + ma -
                (CASE WHEN datahdr%ma=0
                    THEN ma ELSE datahdr%ma END)
                )/(bs-20))) * bs AS expected_bytes,
    FROM data_headers
        JOIN pg_class ON tablename = relname
        JOIN pg_namespace ON relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
            AND schemaname = nspname
    WHERE pg_class.relkind = 'r'
estimates_with_toast AS (
    -- add in estimated TOAST table sizes
    -- estimate based on 4 toast tuples per page because we dont have 
    -- anything better.  also append the no_data tables
    SELECT schemaname, tablename, 
        TRUE as can_estimate,
        table_bytes + ( coalesce(toast.relpages, 0) * bs ) as table_bytes,
        expected_bytes + ( ceil( coalesce(toast.reltuples, 0) / 4 ) * bs ) as expected_bytes
    FROM table_estimates LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_class as toast
        ON table_estimates.reltoastrelid = toast.oid
            AND toast.relkind = 't'
table_estimates_plus AS (
-- add some extra metadata to the table data
-- and calculations to be reused
-- including whether we cant estimate it
-- or whether we think it might be compressed
    SELECT current_database() as databasename,
            schemaname, tablename, can_estimate, 
            CASE WHEN table_bytes > 0
                THEN table_bytes::NUMERIC
                ELSE NULL::NUMERIC END
                AS table_bytes,
            CASE WHEN expected_bytes > 0 
                THEN expected_bytes::NUMERIC
                ELSE NULL::NUMERIC END
                    AS expected_bytes,
            CASE WHEN expected_bytes > 0 AND table_bytes > 0
                AND expected_bytes <= table_bytes
                THEN (table_bytes - expected_bytes)::NUMERIC
                ELSE 0::NUMERIC END AS bloat_bytes
    FROM estimates_with_toast
    SELECT current_database() as databasename, 
        table_schema, table_name, FALSE, 
        est_rows, table_size,
    FROM no_stats
bloat_data AS (
    -- do final math calculations and formatting
    select current_database() as databasename,
        schemaname, tablename, can_estimate, 
        table_bytes, round(table_bytes/(1024^2)::NUMERIC,3) as table_mb,
        expected_bytes, round(expected_bytes/(1024^2)::NUMERIC,3) as expected_mb,
        round(bloat_bytes*100/table_bytes) as pct_bloat,
        round(bloat_bytes/(1024::NUMERIC^2),2) as mb_bloat,
        table_bytes, expected_bytes, est_rows
    FROM table_estimates_plus
-- filter output for bloated tables
SELECT databasename, schemaname, tablename,
    pct_bloat, mb_bloat,
FROM bloat_data
-- this where clause defines which tables actually appear
-- in the bloat chart
-- example below filters for tables which are either 50%
-- bloated and more than 20mb in size, or more than 25%
-- bloated and more than 1GB in size
WHERE ( pct_bloat >= 50 AND mb_bloat >= 20 )
    OR ( pct_bloat >= 25 AND mb_bloat >= 1000 )
ORDER BY pct_bloat DESC;

CTE 방식으로 파생 테이블에서 파생 테이블을 만들다가 bloat_data라는 CTE 테이블에서 최종적으로 bloating과 관련된 값들을 조회한다. where 조건을 줘서 bloat 퍼센트와 양 값으로 필터링을 할 수도 있다.

